Last modified on: August 13, 2024
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SPECIAL FEATURE: A Different Place, Being disjointed and diverse is part of Cunningham Park's charm by John Hanc from the New York Newsday.
Web page designed, maintained and edited by Maurice Novelle. 
    © Copyright 2001-2024 Maurice Novelle. All rights reserved.
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In recognition of creativity, integrity and excellence on the Web the 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 Golden Web Awards of the International Association of Web Masters and Designers
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SPECIAL FEATURE: Read Managing a Girls Softball Team by Joe Kuceluk.
Welcome to 
Windsor Park Adult Recreational Softball's Website

We're a group of good-natured residents originally from Windsor Park - Bayside, New York, who share a devotion to the game of softball.  Since 1997, we get together on Sunday mornings -weather permitting-  between mid April and late November to play recreational softball at Alley Pond Park. Initially we started playing in nearby Cunningham Park. Our pickup games are casual, stress free events, with no league or team commitment required. The emphasis is on fun, not competition. 

Thank you for visiting, please return soon and remember to bookmark us for future easy reference. We would appreciate knowing that you were here so please take a moment to  sign our guest book before leaving. 
For excellent Website design and layout with quality and informative content the American Association Of Webmasters 2004 Gold Award
We are proud recipient of the following awards...
For content, functionality, graphics and usefulness to the general public the 2003 Zircanet Gold Award
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2007 team photo courtesy of Professional Photographer Luis Ramones
RAINOUT POLICYIn the event our game is cancelled due to rain or inclement weather conditions a notice will be posted to this page by 8:00 a.m. the same day of the game...
0  -  1
2012 team photo 
We now use Evite online RSVP app to track attendance.
 2014 team photo A
2014 team photo B
2015 Opening Day Team Photo
2017 Opening Day Team Photo
2019 Opening Day Team Photo
​| Lou (50) | Photoman Mike (50) | Warren (50) | John (100) | Arun (50) | Xavier (50) | Kenny & Doug (150) | 
| Frankie (50) | Gordon (50) | Danny & Andrew (100) | Eric (50) | Scott Z (50) | Roberto (50) | Dave (60) | 
| Pedro 200 |
In remembrance of our teammate and beloved friend

Mike "the Wolf" Medici
Our Hall of Fame Inductees
If you would like to send your field permit contribution via Zelle®️ contact us click here
2023 Team Photo
Give me five!
August 13, 2024

This past Sunday, with fifteen players on hand, we decided to play a five-inning round robin. Artie, Lou, and the writer pitched and were the assigned captains.

The heavy rain during the week soaked the infield badly and it was like walking on wet beach sand. We had to do some strenuous raking to make it playable. During the game any grounder was an adventure because the ball got stuck in the grass, and running along the base path was tricky just to keep your footing under. 

The final score was an incredible three-way tie 5-5-5.

In attendance were Frankie, Louis, Dan, Scott, Artie, Andy, Kenny, Doug, Gordon, Lou, Arun, Steve, Warren, Will, and yours truly.

See you guys next week!
by Maurice Novelle